Project Utopia
Project Utopia Final Presentation Hosted by the Kansas City Chapter of the American Institue of Arhcitects, Project Utopia was a one-day charrette and community presentation held on ...
American Institute of Architects Disaster Response Guide
The American Institute of Architects (AIA) hired MOCK Studio to develop a how to respond to disasters guide that will be used for all local ...
South Kansas City Alliance Strategic Planning
South Kansas City Alliance Strategic Plan Emerging from a hard loss against a recent City Council redistricting process, a loose coalition of affected neighborhood groups, business interests, social ...
Led by Ashley Z. Hand, MOCK Studio is currently designing a collage to be featured in the upcoming RETHINK LA: Perspectives on a Future City ...
UMKC Rebuild Joplin Studio
For the Fall 2011 semester, Gunnar Hand, AICP instructed the Urban Planning and Design 410 (UPD 410) studio at the University of Missouri, Kansas City. As a senior-level studio, ...
MOCK City Blog Launch
Outside of MOCK Studio, Gunnar Hand works hard to make his community a better place. Gunnar was not an Eagle Scout, he is an Eagle ...
DACx Retreat Facilitation
DACx Retreat Report In March 2011, MOCK Studio worked with the Kansas City, Missouri District Advisory Committee's Executive Committee (DACx) to develop a one year strategic ...
PIAC Methodology
From December 2010-February 2011, MOCK Studio worked pro bono with Kansas City, Missouri's 4th Council District to develop a methodology for awarding Public Investment Advisory ...
A New Vision: Conceptual City Planning and the Teleportation City
In 2006, MOCK Studio President, Gunnar Hand, self-published his thesis on a new utopian vision of the City. Conceptual City Planning uses the ethos of ...
MOCK Studio, LLC Goes Live
On January 18, 2011, MOCK Studio, LLC submitted its Articles of Organization to the Missouri Secretary of State. After its first project with the Kansas ...